The “Sapera LT driver for LabVIEW” is a software tool for interfacing Teledyne Dalsa image acquisition boards, with the National Instruments LabVIEW environment. This software will allow you to build LabVIEW applications based on SaperaLT compatible framegrabbers.
- Enumerate the available boards
- Acquire and transfer image from the device to the PC host memory
- Single-shot or continuous acquisition modes
- Synchronize image acquisition with external trigger electrical signal
- Display live images, and access image pixels
Hardware Requirements:
- Framegrabbers compatible with Sapera LT driver:
X64-CL, X64-iPro, X64-LVDS, X64-XCelera, X64-AN, PC2-Camlink, PC2-Vision, PC2-Comp, Xtium-CL - Intel Core 2 Duo or later processor
- RAM: minimum of 2 GBytes
Software Requirements:
- Coreco Sapera LT 7.4 runtime (supplied)
- Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7/8 (32 -bit or 64-bit)
- National Instruments LabVIEW 2009 or later
- National Instruments "Vision Development Module" or National Instruments "Common Vision Resources"