ViDi Systems est une société suisse leader dans l'édition logicielle pour la vision industrielle.
Elle développe un ensemble d'outils logiciels nommé ViDi Suite, qui se distingue par une approche de "deep learning" simplifiant le contrôle visuel par apprentissage automatique, sans besoin de programmation.

  • Vidi blue
  • Vidi red
  • Vidi green




Suite logicielle ViDi pour l'analyse et le traitement d'images
ViDi Suite consists of 3 different tools:

ViDi blue - Feature detection and localization in your image
Used to find and detect single or multiple features within an image.
Be it strongly deformed characters on very noisy backgrounds or complex objects in bulk; the blue tool can localize and identify complex features and objects by learning from annotated images.

Suite logicielle d'analyse d'image ViDI Suite pour la vision industrielle ViDi red - Identify anomalies and defects in your images
Used to detect anomalies and aesthetic defects.
Be it scratches on a decorated surface, incomplete or improper assemblies or even weaving problems in textiles; the red tool can identify all of these and many more problems simply by learning the normal appearance of an object including its significant but tolerable variations.

ViDi green - Perform object and scene classification in your images
Used to classify an object or a complete scene.
Be it the identification of products based on their packaging, the classification of welding seams or the separation of acceptable or inacceptable defects; the green tool learns to separate different classes based on a collection of labelled images.